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SUBSTITUTIONS - There may be occasional substitutions required. However, rest assured that any significant adjustments will be promptly communicated to you. Our team is dedicated to preserving the overall design, similarity, and value of your arrangement.

PICK-UPS - To ensure a smooth in-store pick-up experience, we kindly ask that you call the shop beforehand to confirm the availability of your order. For your convenience, we recommend allowing a minimum of two hours for order preparation.

DELIVERIES- All deliveries placed for same day are delivered between 12:30-4:30

During Holiday dates no specific time is guaranteed. (Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Etc,)

Thank you for your support and understanding.

Teleflora's Garden Romance

4.6666 out of 5 stars based on 3 ratings. Read reviews by clicking here. This link will scroll down this page to the reviews section for "Teleflora's Garden Romance".
Product Information

Hello, gorgeous! This lovely bouquet includes purple hydrangea, light pink spray roses and white asiatic lilies arranged in our vibrant violet glass cube.

Substitution Policy

In some instances, our photo may represent an overall theme or look and include a one-of-a-kind vase which cannot be exactly replicated.

Although the actual bouquet may not precisely match the photo, its temperament will. Occasionally, substitutions of flowers and/or containers happen due to weather, seasonality and market conditions which may affect availability. If this is the case with the gift you’ve selected, we will ensure that the style, theme and color scheme of your arrangement is preserved and will only substitute items of equal value or higher value.

If any design elements are of major importance to your order, please include them in the florist instructions at checkout or contact us to ensure availability.

Top Verified Reviews
  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars

    My wife was so happy

    David J. June 02, 2023
  • Rated 4 out of 5 stars

    Prompt delivery and quality of flowers

    Daniel D. September 03, 2022
  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars

    Flowers are still gorgeous 6 days later! Thank you so much!

    Danyelle Y. May 19, 2017